Our Communities
In the early 1960s, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) earmarked spectrum for educational services. In 1979, The Source for Learning (SFL) began using this spectrum as a means to deliver video-based educational content known as instructional television to schools and districts.
With the dawn of the internet, the FCC repurposed and renamed the spectrum to Educational Broadband Service (EBS). SFL acquired 19 EBS licenses in 13 states and Washington, D.C. before the FCC ceased issuing educational licenses.
Present Day
As an EBS licensee, The Source for Learning remains committed to bridging the homework gap and mitigating digital equity challenges. SFL Broadband creates opportunities for students to make more meaningful connections to learning in these 19 communities. Have a question? Let’s chat!
Explore SFL’s portfolio of quality, free K-12 and early childhood education resources and professional learning offerings at Beyond Broadband.

We Welcome Opportunities to Further Engage with You to:
- Understand your needs, challenges, and priorities.
- Explore ways to use SFL’s high-quality, free K-12 and early childhood education resources to best meet your needs.
- Collaborate on projects to address one of your most pressing challenges.
Have a question? Let's Chat!